
All children love books with flaps that open, tabs that pull, wheels that spin and pictures that pop-out. In essence a Lapbook is your child's own creation of a pop-up book, using simple manila folders.  My children have used lapbooks after studying something as a way to show what they have learned as well as a research guide to finding out certain things on a topic.  I find it much more creative and hands on than multiple choice, fill in the blank worksheets and tests and quizzes.  I have used this in the classroom and in my homeschool very successfully.  Plus children will forever have a keepsake of their studies in the form of a book they created!  You can LAPBOOK ANYTHING that your child is studying, learning about or has an interest in or for that matter is having difficulty grasping.  We have lapbooked animals, wars, countries, presidents, artists, composers, books, holidays, and much much more. I have created some lapbooks on my own but my favorite sites for FREE pre-made lapbooks that you just have to print out and your child can research, cut, paste and assemble are below. Have fun perusing FREE LAPBOOKS:. LAPBOOKS AT A COST:  Although I love free, these often also come with a lesson and are very well done (the market is full of these but my favorites are below) LAPBOOKS  I HAVE CREATED:  FREE OF COURSE! When we are working on a book or a historical event and  I cannot find a lapbook either free or at a cost I then take the time (it does take lots of time, although easy to do) to create my own lapbooks or notebook pages. Here are some that I have done.   THE PILGRIMS PROGRESS ( based on the simplified version put out by Abeka) HITTITE WARRIOR by Joanne Williamson